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About Us

statue in a cemetery

Why Start This Website?

The main objective is to put people in touch with their past and preserve our heritage for future generations.

Current Availability for Finding Records

There is a variety of methods for accessing burial and cremation records being operated throughout Scotland. For the customer this can be confusing as you would need to know which council area to contact, with over 3000 cemeteries and 32 councils in Scotland. Each council area would appear to operate a different charge for information. Most council's do not have their records digitised and there is no standard price for searching records (some cemetery owners charge £62 per search). Some request the information for a search to be in written format and can take several weeks before the search can be completed. Unfortunately records for some of the older cemeteries no longer exist. The price generally reflects that the search has to be carried out manually through the lair books or by searching a mixture of manual records and microfilm.

What Our Main Objectives Are

  • To have a Scottish based company that would be market leaders for accessing burial records online with the revenue coming back to Scotland.
  • To have one easy to search website listing all burials, woodland burials and cremation records for all of Scotland. (This may take some time, but that is what we aim to do.)
  • To supply a photograph where possible of the headstone/grave marker for all burials. A small charge for people to access the information and supply a photograph of the headstone/grave marker and allow them to download.
  • To preserve the heritage and records as cemeteries may use `lift and deepen` to reuse lairs as per the recommendations of the review group on Death Certification, Burial and Cremation.
  • Multi cultural as records cover all religions and nationalities.
  • To use the funding generated from this site to preserve our heritage, increase the information and to add photographs of grave markers to include all of Scotland. If you would like to donate, your money would be valuable tool to help in the above.

Company Experience

Find a Grave in Scotland Limited has over 30 years archiving expertise and the technology and infrastructure to update, expand and adapt the website.

Developing the Site

During the developing of this site and gathering the information we found many famous or interesting grave markers which we have added to our Famous People Section. This will be added to on a weekly/monthly basis and is FREE to all visitors to browse.

If you would like more information please complete our contacts page. is a privately owned website with no affiliation to any Local Councils.