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Author Topic - Aaavvvcz
Posted By:
24th Oct 2022 3:07pm GMT
Xi's ruthless and dramatic consolidation of power has caused many to liken him to Mao. But Mao's destructiveness was rooted in his desire to build a socialist utopia. What does Xi want to build? As land prices shot up because of the reforms, party officials across China were confiscating property from peasant farmers, selling it to developers, and pocketing a hefty cut. - "I don't regret it, but I'm trying to navigate how to respond," she said. I was told that the MP John Penrose, who is backing Mordaunt, said that for the good of the party, the vote must go to the Tory members - in other words, Penny Mordaunt should not drop out. That certainly seemed to be the case under Xi's predecessor, Hu Jintao - corruption was on the rise and his authority was being openly ignored and even challenged. "China today has no socialist characteristics" she says "The subordination of labour to capital is complete. If you're a real socialist, you must have a notion of class democracy, of justice, of hierarchy and anti-hierarchy. None of that is even part of Xi Jinping thought." This was unprecedented in the post-Mao era. 'We came too late' "All this military stuff is fun and games until it's not fun and games. My back is hurting already because of all the equipment!" is a privately owned website with no affiliation to any Local Councils.