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Famous Scots - Colonel James Menzies Vd Jp

COLONEL MENZIES was a native of the little Perthshire village of Weem, the headquarters of his clan, and began his business career in Leith. He came to Glasgow in 1865, and till his death carried on the business of a
His record as a volunteer began in 1859, when he raised the 2nd Highland Company of the Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Brigade, and was appointed Sergeant in it. After passing the necessary examination he was also appointed Sergeant-Instructor of Musketry. He was present at the great Royal Review of 7th August, 1860, and five years later, when he left for Glasgow, his services to the corps were recognised by an
He also filled the post of adjutant for the first eight months. In 1870, when he received his company, his friends presented him with a claymore, and six years later, on his marriage to the daughter of the late Mr. Henry, inventor of the barrel of the Martini-Henry rifle, he was presented with a silver tea and coffee service. Owing to his own disinclination he was not gazetted major till 1884, but on that occasion his brother officers gave him a pair of gold spurs. Four years later he became honorary lieutenant-colonel, and in 1895 reached the position of substantive lieutenant-colonel and second in command of the regiment. Till 1897 he never missed an inspection.
A keen shot, he attended many of the great rifle
Colonel Menzies died at Bothwell, 22nd August, 1907. His funeral at

Further Information
Cemetery: Sighthill Cemetery
Region: Glasgow and Clyde Valley
Country: Scotland
Please Note, the marker on this map indicates the Cemetery location, not the location of a particular grave.